Director of Safety, Security and Grounds
Jackson-Madison County General Hospital
Mike Williams is a class act. I was so impressed at the “can do” willingness to take me way out of his way. He simply
overheard the administrative assistant calling to have someone to come and take me to my destination. Not knowing my
name or rank/position, he happily offered to help and treated me with such dignity and respect. Very professional!!
It's rough, at first, being in a completely new environment. Humbling for many of us who enjoy being so efficient and
realizing how slow one is at again mastering so many new processes, institution-specific clinical protocols, and a new
workflow. Mike made it much easier that day, and exemplified all the values and mission of the organization and more.
Gary Collins, MD MBA FACS
Trauma Surgeon
Minneapolis MN / Madison WI
Surgical Critical Care / Neuro-Intensive Care
Assist. Professor of Surgery, Univ. of MN
Clinical Professor of Surgery, Med College WI