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Donald Wilson, MD

Gynecology Robotic Surgery Women's Health
Manage Your Healthcare

University of Tennessee College of Medicine

Medical School

University of Tennessee College of Medicine

Undergraduate School

Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Board of Certification

American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology


Donald Wilson is husband to Elizabeth, and father to Katie, Ben, and Andrew. He is a native Jacksonian, and serves his church and community as a Deacon at Englewood Baptist Church. Dr. Wilson is a part-time foreign medical missionary to Brazil and Nicaragua. In his free time he enjoys golfing, boating, going to the beach, and playing with his grandbabies. He practiced Obstetrics and Gynecology at JMCGH for 25 years before stopping delivering babies and changing his practice profile to Gynecology, Benign Gynecology Surgery, and Women’s Health.