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Gynecologic Surgery: Understanding the Options

May 05, 2020

While nonsurgical treatments are usually the first line of defense against most medical conditions, in some cases, surgery may be the best option. How can you choose the gynecologic surgery option that’s best for you?

We aren’t talking about picking and choosing the type of surgery you need. Surgical treatment of a medical condition will be recommended by a medical provider, and decisions about your care will be made between you and your provider.

What we are talking about, though, is knowing your options when a gynecologic surgery is recommended. 

Let’s talk through what you should be looking for.

When Gynecologic Surgery Is Needed
As mentioned above, nonsurgical treatment options are typically tried first. Depending on the special medical condition you are facing, your doctor may recommend a wide range of treatments, which could include oral or injected medications, heat or cold therapy, physical therapy and lifestyle changes.

If these options don’t help mitigate your symptoms or your condition worsens, your provider may then suggest a surgical procedure. Surgical procedures are often a treatment option for a variety of conditions and symptoms, including:

What to Consider When Gynecologic Surgery Is Needed
For most patients who need gynecologic surgery, a minimally invasive approach to their surgery is in their best interest. Whether a patient has endometriosis or pelvic adhesive disease, large uterine fibroids, or pelvic organ prolapse, these conditions can often be treated using a minimally invasive surgical approach.

Minimally invasive procedures offer a number of benefits to patients, including smaller incisions, less pain, shorter hospital stays, a quicker recovery to normal activity, lower costs through less need for pain medication and less chance of a postoperative emergency room evaluation or postoperative hospital readmission.  

In gynecology, the potential for reaching these goals is impacted by the technology used for the surgical procedure. Robotic-assisted surgery in the hands of an experienced surgeon is the best combination to reach the goals of minimally invasive surgery. 

In the appropriate circumstances, robotic gynecologic surgery allows our surgeons to evaluate the female pelvis more completely and allows more complex and difficult surgeries to be completed in a more minimally invasive fashion than could otherwise occur. You can trust the team at West Tennessee Medical Group GYN Specialists to provide this specialized expertise.

Both Donald Wilson, MD, and Jeffrey Ball, MD, have extensive experience in performing minimally invasive gynecologic surgery with more than 20 years of combined experience using the da Vinci robotic surgical system. 

In 2009, Dr. Ball helped found the robotic surgery program at Jackson-Madison County General Hospital, and together, Drs. Wilson and Ball have performed more than 1,500 robotic surgical cases. No pair of surgeons have performed more minimally invasive cases in west Tennessee. 

Moving Ahead With Gynecologic Surgery
Just as the world and our nation have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, so have our local communities throughout west Tennessee. From individuals and families, to businesses and governments, we have all seen our lives changed by what is happening. 

Medical care has seen major changes including the postponement of elective surgery and other non-emergent medical care. This change may have impacted you. 

As our society begins to reopen, many aspects of medical care are being reestablished. As a woman who may have had a planned surgery or gynecologic evaluation delayed, it is important to remember that while “elective” may not mean “emergent,” it still means important to your life. 

You may be experiencing abnormal uterine bleeding or pelvic pain, or symptoms from uterine fibroids, endometriosis, or pelvic organ prolapse. If so, your life is being impacted, and these issues need to be addressed. 

The providers at West Tennessee Medical Group GYN Specialists are available and able to address these concerns with expertise and compassion. Rest assured that we are here to help.

West Tennessee Medical Group GYN Specialists specializes in providing gynecological care, including gynecologic surgery. To schedule an appointment with Jeffrey Ball, MD, Donald Wilson, MD, or Amy White, NP, call (731) 660-3344.